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In order for APB to move this forward they must meet all 81 of these tasks. Task number 81 allows us all to be part of this process to ensure that we are not over industrialized and that our natural habitat is protected.

Application No: 18/04071/STPLFE


Application for approval of the reserved matters for each part of the development shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of ten years from the date of this permission.

This condition is imposed in order to comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

  1. Approval of the details of the reserved matters set out below (“the reserved matters”) for each part of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development of that part is commenced and the development of that part shall be carried out as approved:
  1. a) the layout of the development
  2. b) the scale of the development
  3. c) the appearance of the development
  4. d) the means of access to the site
  5. e) the landscaping of the site

This condition is imposed as the application was made for outline planning permission and is required to comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

  1. Each part of the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved for that part of the development.

This condition is imposed in order to comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

  1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans, but only in respect of those matters not reserved for later approval:

14470-112 Rev B – Location Plan received 13 Dec 2018

14470-123 Rev B – Building Parameters Plan received 27 Aug 2020

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan and for the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in accordance with the approved details in the interests of the character and amenity of the area and to comply with the information submitted with the application.

  1. The site shall not be developed with more than 394,839sqm (Gross External Floor Area) of building(s) for employment use within uses classes B2 and B8 and not more than 5,111sqm (Gross External Floor Area) of building(s) for commercial use within use classes A1-5 (Retail), B1 (Business), C1 (Hotel), D1 (Non-Residential Institutions), D2 (Assembly and Leisure) and other ancillary sui generis uses.

This condition is imposed to ensure the uses within the development are in accordance with the details submitted to inform the outline permission as set out in the Planning Statement and Environmental Statement in accordance with policy EC1 of the Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for any main town centre use that does not serve a purely localised need shall be accompanied by a sequential test.

This condition is imposed as main town centre uses are only considered to be acceptable to support the workforce and businesses associated with the employment development in accordance with policies EC1 and EC3 of the East Riding Local Plan and Section 7 of the NPPF.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for any retail, or leisure use with a floor space greater than 250 sq m gross shall be accompanied by an impact test.

This condition is imposed as retail, office or leisure uses are only considered to be acceptable to support the workforce and businesses associated with the employment development in accordance with policies EC1 and EC3 of the East Riding Local Plan and paragraph 89 of the NPPF.

  1. No building for commercial use within classes A1-5 (Retail), B1 (Business), C1 (Hotel), D1 (Non-Residential Institutions), D2 (Assembly and Leisure) and other ancillary sui generis uses shall be brought into use until at least 10,000sq m of employment floorspace within either Use Class B2 or B8  has been brought into use.

This condition is imposed as the commercial development is only considered to be acceptable to support the workforce associated with the employment development in accordance with policies EC1 and EC3 of the East Riding Local Plan and Section 7 of the NPPF.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for any employment use shall include a statement demonstrating that the proposed occupier would be for a port related use. Each part of the development shall be occupied in accordance with the details set out in the approved port related use statement. A new or updated port related use statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any employment unit is occupied by a subsequent occupier. Subsequent occupation shall thereafter be in accordance with the details set out in the approved new or updated port related use statement.

This condition is imposed because the site has been allocated to cater for expansion of the Port of Hull and key employment sites should be safeguarded from alternative uses in accordance with policies S6, EC1 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall not show any buildings or other development on the area of land to the south of Burstwick Drain and to the north of the old course of Hedon Haven or along the route of the old course of Hedon Haven as designated as a main river.

This condition is imposed in the interests of reducing flood risk on the site and miting the impact of the development on the significance of heritage assets in accordance with policies ENV6 and ENV3 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall not exceed the maximum building ridge height AOD shown on approved plan 14470-123 Rev B – Building Parameters Plan whichever is the lower.

This condition is imposed in the interests of visual amenity in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Prior to the submission of the first application for approval of reserved matters, a scheme for the ongoing review of the need for and delivery of the park and ride shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include details of engagement with organisations involved in the delivery of the park and ride, a mechanism for seeking its delivery and a timescale for the submission of an updated scheme. Further updates shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan to promote sustainable modes of transport.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall include a review of the need for and delivery of the direct road link and direct rail link to the Port of Hull. The submitted application should reflect the findings of that review.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan to promote sustainable modes of transport and reduce the effect of vehicles, particularly heavy goods vehicles on the surrounding road network.

  1. No part of the development shall be occupied until full details for an automated system to monitor traffic movements to and from the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall include details of:

o   monitoring locations;

o   proposed reporting

o   ongoing maintenance

o   a methodology for differentiating construction traffic, and

o   a timetable for implementation

The occupation of that part of the development shall proceed in accordance with the approved scheme. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the system shall be maintained and monitored in accordance with the approved details until either two years after the first occupation of the final unit to be occupied under this planning permission or fifteen years from the date of this permission, which ever shall be later.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Should the monitoring required by condition 14 show the number of the vehicle arrivals and departures (excluding construction traffic) at the site exceeds either:
  1. a) 837 two-way vehicle movements in the Weekday Morning Peak Hour; or
  1. b) 790 two-way vehicle movements in the Weekday Evening Peak Hour;

on 13 or more occasions within any rolling three calendar month period, then no further construction shall be commenced at the site until either:

  1. i) an updated site wide Interim Travel Plan or Full Travel Plan and/or plot/occupier specific Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority setting out additional measures to reduce the number of vehicle trips to the site and those additional measures have been implemented: or
  1. ii) supplementary information is provided to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the additional trips are acceptable.

For the purposes of this condition, the Weekday Morning Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 07:00 and 10:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and the Weekday Evening Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 16:00 and 19:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development that will generate vehicle movements shall include a Transport Statement that shall:
  1. a) sets out the current level of monitored vehicle movements to and from the Site (if monitoring has at the relevant point been commenced in accordance with condition 14);
  1. b) include a statement confirming whether or not the proposals within the application, together with any other submitted and/or approved reserved matters applications, will likely lead to the trip threshold set out in condition 15 being exceeded; and
  1. c) in the event that the trip threshold would likely be exceeded, include either:
  1. i) additional measures to reduce the number of vehicle trips to the site within either an updated site wide Interim Travel Plan or the plot/occupier specific Travel Plan or Full Travel Plan required as part of the application by condition 22: or
  1. ii) supplementary information is provided to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the additional trips are acceptable.

Any additional measures identified under part c)i) to reduce the number of vehicle trips to the site shall be implemented before the part of the development to which the application relates is brought into use.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. No part of the development that will result in the total number of vehicle movements generated by the site exceeding 50 two-way trips during either the Weekday Morning Peak Hour or Weekday Evening Peak Hour shall be occupied until the following highways works have been completed and are open to traffic:

o   Southcoates Roundabout as shown on plan reference 18B75-JM04-E and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.

o   Marfleet Roundabout as shown on plan reference 18B75-JM02-G and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.

o   Saltend Roundabout (to deliver this development in isolation) as shown on plan reference 18B75-JM05A-C and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.


Saltend Roundabout (to deliver this development and the development approved by planning application 17/01673/STOUTE) as shown in principle on plan reference 18B75-JM05-G and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.

For the purposes of this condition, the Weekday Morning Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 07:00 and 10:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and the Weekday Evening Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 16:00 and 19:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. No part of the development that will result in the total number of vehicle movements generated by the site exceeding 224 two-way trips during either the Weekday Morning Peak Hour or Weekday Evening Peak Hour shall be occupied until the following highways works have been completed and are open to traffic:

o   Northern Gateway Roundabout as shown on plan reference 18B75-JM03-E and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.

o   Somerden Roundabout as shown on plan reference 18B75-JM01-F and to include any modifications agreed with the relevant highway authorities as a result of safety audits and detailed design.

For the purposes of this condition, the Weekday Morning Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 07:00 and 10:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and the Weekday Evening Peak Hour means a continual 60 minute period between 16:00 and 19:00 with the highest number of two-way vehicle movements on a particular day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the Framework Travel Plan 18B75 – 160720 – 005 dated 16/07/2020 received 27.08.2019, or any variations to this document that are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy S8 of the East Riding Local Plan to promote sustainable modes of transport.

  1. Prior to the submission of any application pursuant to condition 2, a scheme for the improvement of Paull Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The submitted scheme shall include:

o   a structural survey of the carriageway and associated highway structures;

o   a scheme for improvement works to provide as a minimum a carriageway of 7.3m wide;

o   details of pedestrian and cycle improvements;

o   details of any works necessary to link Paull Road to the approved spine road.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and completed prior to any building on the site being brought into use.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. No more than 20,000sqm Gross External Floor Area shall be occupied before the spine road approved by this permission, and pedestrian and cycle access shown as part of it, is open to traffic.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy ENV1of the East Riding Local Plan and in order to secure satisfactory access to the proposed development in the interests of road safety.

  1. The improvements to the cycle network shown on drawing 8B75-SYS-HGN-CY-DR-CH-01 Rev C shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any building on the site.

This condition is imposed to promote safe travel by methods of transport other than the private car in accordance with policy EC4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development that will generate vehicle movements shall include a scheme to provide for appropriate access, parking and servicing facilities for that part of the development. The submitted scheme shall include:

(i) the number, location, designation and layout of vehicle (including bus/ coach) parking spaces, including access aisles, surface markings, and manoeuvring facilities;

(ii) the location and layout of loading, off-loading and manoeuvring facilities for service and delivery vehicles;

(iii) provision of electric vehicle charging points;

(iv) the pedestrian and cyclist means of access to all buildings appropriate to the level of expected occupation;

(v) the provision of covered, secure cycle parking facilities and associated showering and changing facilities to all buildings appropriate to the level of expected occupation;

(vi) the means of linking that part of the development to the public highway;

(vii) details of any public transport facilities, services, stops and shelters.

Each part of the development shall not be occupied until that part of the development has been carried out in accordance with the submitted details (including the means of access from that part of the development to the public highway). All access arrangements, vehicle parking, loading, off-loading and manoeuvring facilities shall thereafter be retained.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 in relation to each part of the development that will generate vehicle movements shall include a plot/occupier specific Travel Plan for that part of the development or a site wide Full Travel Plan (with either produced in accordance with the actions and targets set out in the Framework Travel Plan approved by condition 17). The occupation of each part of the development shall thereafter be only in accordance with the approved plot/occupier specific Travel Plan or Full Travel Plan, or any variation agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy S8 of the East Riding Local Plan to promote sustainable modes of transport.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall, where relevant, include provision of a pedestrian footpath along the northern boundary of the site linking Preston Footpath No.23 with the pedestrian crossing facilities at the A1033/B1362 roundabout.

This condition is imposed to enhance the public rights of way network and provide facilities to encourage walking in accordance with policies S8 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan and paragraph 98 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 which include road or rail link that would cross any Public Right of Way on the site shall include details to allow for the continued safe use of the Public Right of Way.

This condition is imposed to secure continued safe access to the public rights of way network in accordance with policies S8 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan and paragraph 98 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

  1. Before the development commences or any application is submitted pursuant to condition 2, details of a scheme for the establishment and facilitation of an Ecological Mitigation Steering Group to review and advise on ecological matters associated with the development, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall provide details of:

o   a contact on behalf of the developer who shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of meetings of the group;

o   a list of members to be invited to attend the group. This should include the Local Planning Authority, Natural England, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds;

o   terms of reference for the group which shall include details of the frequency of meetings, remit of the group and arrangements for the circulation of monitoring reports.

The Ecological Mitigation Steering Group shall operate in accordance with the approved scheme and terms of reference.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation areas in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall show:

o   the area marked as ‘Bird Flyway’ on Figure 1 Rev 01 within Appendix A of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3 retained as an open green corridor with low level soft landscaping or water attenuation features and no buildings;

o   no built development within the areas marked as the ‘Area Reverted to Permanent Grassland’ or ‘Conservation Farming Area’ on Figure 1 Rev 01 within Appendix A of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation areas in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before the development commences or any application is submitted pursuant to condition 2, the Extended Newton Garth Mitigation Area shall be secured in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The submitted scheme shall include securing the area shown on Figure 1 Rev 01 within Appendix A of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3 and provide for a barrier along Paull Footpath No.5 as referred to in paragraphs 3.16 and 3.17 of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3. The fencing shall be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation areas in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before any application is submitted pursuant to condition 2, full details of the habitat enhancement measures set out in paragraphs 2.23 to 2.26 of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3 along with a timetable for their implementation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation areas in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Prior to the commencement of any of the reserved matters, the physical works to create the Mitigation Extension Area shall be carried out in accordance with Section 3 of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3 unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The developer shall notify the Council and Natural England of completion of the physical works to create the Mitigation Extension Area. No reserved matters permission shall be implemented until two winter bird seasons (as defined in Section 4 of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3) has elapsed from the notification of the completion of the physical works or such other shorter period as may be agreed by the Council in consultation with Natural England.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation areas in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The Newton Garth Mitigation Area and Extension Area shall be managed and monitored in accordance with the details set out in Section 5 and Section 6 of the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3 for the lifetime of the development. The first monitoring report submitted following the carrying out of any baseline studies in the Newton Garth Extension Area shall include the results of that survey. The monitoring reports shall be submitted to the local planning authority in accordance with the schedule established through condition 27.

This condition is imposed to ensure the effective management of the ecological mitigation area in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall include a scheme for noise abatement to ensure that temporary noise disturbance during the construction phase of the development shall not have a significant adverse effect on waterbirds using the Salt End Mudflats, the Newton Garth Mitigation Area and Extension Area or on the integrity of the Humber Estuary SPA/Ramsar. The scheme shall include consideration of the use of seasonal piling restrictions, continuous flight auger piling and details of the noise levels associated with the construction.

This condition is imposed to ensure the construction phase of the development would not adversely affect the integrity of the European Site or the Mitigation Area in accordance with policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall include an Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (EMEP) for any open areas (excluding car parking and servicing areas) within or adjacent to that part of the site. The EMEP shall be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist and include as appropriate:

o   A timetable for implementation;

o   A detailed plan showing the locations and specification of the mitigation and enhancement measures;

o   The embedded mitigation measures outlined in Chapter 9; section 9.5 of the Environmental Statement (AECOM, 2018) (excluding measures for wintering birds, which are contained within the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3);

o   The mitigation, enhancement and monitoring measures outlined in Chapter 9; section 9.7 of the Environmental Statement (AECOM, 2018) (excluding measures for wintering birds, which are contained within the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3);

o   Creation of new ponds, habitat and hibernacula for great crested newts (where ;

o   Provision of replacement barn owl box;

o   Provision of swift boxes;

o   Tree and woodland planting; and

o   Provision of wildlife friendly planting that utilizes British native species of local provenance wherever possible.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the enhancement measures thereafter retained unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Authority.

This condition is imposed in the interests of nature conservation to comply with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017(as amended), the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006 and policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 that involve buildings shall include an Ecological Management and Enhancement Plan (EMEP). The EMEP shall be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist and include as appropriate:

o   A timetable for implementation;

o   A detailed plan showing the locations and specification of the enhancement measures;

o   the enhancement measures outlined in section 5.49 of the Ecological Appraisal (FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, December 2018);

o   The embedded mitigation measures outlined in Chapter 9; section 9.5 of the Environmental Statement (AECOM, 2018) (excluding measures for wintering birds, which are contained within the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3);

o   The mitigation, enhancement and monitoring measures outlined in Chapter 9; section 9.7 of the Environmental Statement (AECOM, 2018) (excluding measures for wintering birds, which are contained within the Wetland Bird Management and Enhancement Plan Revision 3);

o   Provision of wildlife friendly planting that utilizes British native species of local provenance wherever possible.

o   Provision of any or all of the following as appropriate to that development:

o   bird boxes including swift boxes;

o   bat boxes/tube/adapted tile;

o   Details of any means of enclosure to demonstrate that boundary treatments will not result in a loss of habitat connectivity through the development, by creating ‘hedgehog highways’ which provide holes under boundary features for hedgehogs to pass through;

o   hedgehog houses positioned around the site within hedge bases;

o   insect boxes and log piles to increase the habitat for local biodiversity;

o   Provision of roosting and foraging opportunities and connective habitat for bats;

o   Provision of nesting and foraging opportunities for birds;

o   Provision of nesting and foraging opportunities for barn owls;

o   Provision of connective habitat for water vole;

o   Creation of new ponds, habitat and hibernacula for great crested newts;

o   Tree and woodland planting;

o   The creation of an orchard with regional/traditional species;

o   Data to demonstrate that the delivery of biodiversity enhancements and green infrastructure will provide a nett gain for biodiversity;

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the enhancement measures thereafter retained unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Authority.

This condition is imposed in the interests of nature conservation to comply with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017(as amended)  the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006 and policy ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall be accompanied by a Heritage Statement that shall demonstrate how the detailed layout, appearance and scale of the development have responded (as appropriate) to:

o   the setting of the Hedon Medieval Town scheduled monument; and

o   off-site above ground heritage assets, in particular St Augustine’s Church, All Saints Church Preston and St Andrews Paull and the intervisibility between them.

The condition is imposed to ensure that the significance of the heritage assets identified in the Environmental Statement is conserved and/or better revealed and/or recorded in accordance with policy ENV3 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Prior to the submission of any application pursuant to condition 2, a scheme of interpretation boards to enhance public understanding of the designated heritage assets, non-designated heritage assets and the history of the site in relation to the historic development of Hedon, along with a timetable for implementation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority

This condition is imposed to ensure the development better reveals the significance of the heritage assets identified on the site in accordance with policy ENV3 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The landscaping details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall include:-

(a) a plan showing the location of, and allocating a reference number to, each existing tree within that part of the development which has a stem with a diameter measured over the bark at a point 1.5 metres above ground level, exceeding 75mm, showing which trees are to be retained and the crown spread of each retained tree; and showing the location and crown spread of each tree, defined in the same manner, which is on land adjacent to that part of the development and to which (c) and (d) below apply;

(b) details of the species, diameter (measured in accordance with (a) above), and the approximate height, and an assessment of the general state of health and stability, of each retained tree and of each tree which is on land adjacent to that part of the development and to which (c) and (d) below apply;

(c) details of any proposed topping or lopping of any retained tree, or of any tree on land adjacent to that part of the development;

(d) details of any proposed alterations in existing ground levels, and of the position of any proposed excavation, (within the crown spread of any retained tree or of any tree on land adjacent to that part of the development and/or within a distance from any retained tree, or any tree on land adjacent to that part of the development, equivalent to half the height of that tree);

(e) details of the specification and position of fencing (and of any other measures to be taken) for the protection of any retained tree or of any tree on land adjacent to that part of the development from damage before or during the course of the construction of that part of the development.

Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the occupation of that part of the development, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed because the Council is under a statutory duty when considering planning applications to consider the effect which development will or may have on trees. There are trees within or near the site and these contribute to the character and appearance of the area. It is considered that the above details are required in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan and are necessary to enable the Council to consider the effect of the proposed development on these trees.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall not include development within 16 metres of the landward toe of the existing flood defences along the Humber Estuary or Burstwick Drain Main River, including the historic course of Burstwick Drain while it remains designated a Main River.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the existing flood defences can be maintained and that the will not increase the flood risk to the development or adjacent property in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall not include any building or other obstruction including landscape features within 9 metres of the top of the Bank of any watercourse or within 9 metres of the enclosing structure of any watercourse maintained by the South Holderness Internal Drainage Board or the Lead Local Flood Authority unless supported by evidence to demonstrate that the proposal would not prevent the effective management and maintenance of the watercourse.

This condition is imposed to ensure a satisfactory drainage system is available that will not increase the flood risk to the development or adjacent property in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall not include development within the area of the old brickworks in the known area of tidal water seepage under flood defences at the southern corner of the site, as detailed in the report ‘HaHFAS Paull Water Monitoring Review January 2017’ compiled by Capita and ‘Assessment of Sea Defences, Paull, East Yorkshire, Ground Investigation Report’ Rev. A 28th August 2015 Report ref: GC20767/01′ unless accompanied by the results of further detailed investigation and a scheme that prevents the proposed development causing exacerbation of tidal seepage in this location, or permanently addresses the issue of tidal water seepage in this location.

This condition is imposed in the interests of flood risk management in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall include a development specific flood risk assessment, demonstrating how the risk of flooding from all sources will be mitigated for that part of the development.

Each development specific flood risk assessment shall be based on the mitigation principles set out in the submitted flood risk assessment (ref 60571863 compiled by AECOM dated July 2020) (thereafter “the FRA”), technical note (ref HIEP/LT001/JCS dated 30 October 2019), Outline Flood Compensation Strategy (dated 05 August 2020) and email correspondence with AECOM dated 25/08/20, along with the best available flood risk information, including the latest climate change allowances, and include:

o   how that part of the development addresses the requirement for a sequential approach to flood risk (both horizontally and vertically);

o   Finished Floor Levels for any hotel or offices shall be set no lower than 2.3 metres above Ordnance Datum (mAOD).

o   Finished floor levels for any more vulnerable uses that include sleeping accommodation shall be set no lower than 5.74mAOD.

o   A place of safety shall be available on an upper floor with immediate access from within each building set no lower than 5.44mAOD.

o   All buildings shall incorporate, as a minimum, flood resilience and resistance measures as detailed in sections 7.4 and 7.5 of the FRA,

o   Any essential infrastructure (as defined by National Planning Practice Guidance) shall be identified as such in the reserved matters application and exclude floodwaters to no lower than 5.14 mAOD.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details which shall thereafter be maintained and/or retained.

This condition is imposed to protect people and property from flooding in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. There shall be no more vulnerable uses as defined by National Planning Practice Guidance located within single storey buildings or at ground floor level in multi-storey buildings unless the site specific flood risk assessment required by condition 28 has demonstrated that it would be safe to do so.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development is carried out using a sequential approach to flood risk and to comply with East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, which states that ‘more vulnerable’ development is not appropriate within “danger to all” areas or appropriate at ground level in multi-storey buildings.

  1. Before any building is brought into use, an Emergency Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan shall be submitted in writing to, and approved by, the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. A new or updated Emergency Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is occupied by a subsequent occupier. Subsequent occupation shall thereafter be in accordance with the details set out in the approved new or updated Emergency Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan.

This condition is imposed to protect people and property from flooding in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Any application submitted pursuant to condition 2 which includes a new crossing of Burstwick Drain shall demonstrate that it would not reduce existing channel capacity, increase localised scour, or restrict access for maintenance operations by boat. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

This condition is imposed to prevent an increase in flood risk in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before any application is submitted pursuant to condition 2 for a relevant area of the site in general accordance with Appendix F of the Flood Risk Assessment dated July 2020, a scheme for the surface water drainage for that area of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the submitted scheme shall include:

o   detailed calculations demonstrating the level of storage required to safely store all surface water runoff from the relevant area of the development, and the runoff from a 1% AEP storm event with a 30% allowance for climate change;

o   results of a site survey to determine if there is a piped land drainage system within the relevant area of the site. If there is such a system, the submitted scheme should include details of any mitigation works necessary to preserve the flow of land drainage from any adjacent affected sites;

o   Any new drainage outfalls shall be preferentially routed through high ground upstream of Paull Road and not through formal flood defences

o   The discharge rate from the site shall be restricted to 0.63l/s

o   the provision of regional attenuation lagoons;

o   details of any abandonment and diversion of existing watercourses;

o   access arrangements for the maintenance of each of the attenuation lagoons consisting of access of at least 5.5m width from the public highway to each lagoon;

o   a scheme for the management and maintenance of the surface water drainage scheme for the lifetime of the development; and

o   a timetable for the delivery of the scheme.

The development shall be carried out, retained and maintained in accordance with the approved scheme.

This condition is imposed to ensure a satisfactory drainage system is available that will not increase the flood risk to the development or surrounding areas in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall include details of the surface water drainage scheme for that part of the development detailing how it complies with the surface water drainage scheme for the relevant part of the development and any arrangements necessary to ensure its management and maintenance. The surface water drainage scheme shall be implemented and maintained in accordance with the approved details and shall be operational before that part of the development is brought into use.

This condition is imposed to ensure that no surface water discharges take place until proper provision has been made for its disposal in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. All surface water runoff from hardstandings and car parking areas must pass through an oil, petrol and grit interceptor/separator, details of which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed to prevent pollution of the aquatic environment and protect the public sewer network in accordance with policies ENV4 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. No piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until works to provide a satisfactory outfall, other than the existing local public sewerage, for surface water have been completed in accordance with details submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed in the interests of sustainable drainage and to ensure that the site is properly drained and in order to prevent overloading, surface water is not discharged to the foul sewer network in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall be accompanied by a scheme for the foul water drainage of that part of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall include details of any off-site works and the anticipated phasing and delivery of the necessary infrastructure. If sewage pumping is required, the peak pumped foul water discharge rate should be included in the submitted scheme. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

This condition is imposed to ensure that no foul water discharges take place until proper provision has been made for its disposal in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before any application is submitted pursuant to condition 2 for a relevant area of the site in general accordance with Appendix F of the Flood Risk Assessment dated July 2020, details of a scheme for compensatory flood storage for that area of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be in general accordance with the ‘Indicative Floodplain Compensation Calculations Statement’ document (AECOM, February 2021) or the latest available relevant modelling or evidence base and include:

o   the estimated volume of compensatory storage to be provided, taking into account the displacement of storage as a result of that area of the development and including an allowance for climate change based on the latest climate change allowances;

o   routing of flood waters

o   the compensatory storage measures to be provided within that area of the development and how these will fill and empty;

o   details of a trigger and timetable for the delivery of the compensatory storage measures. The trigger and timetable shall be set to ensure no loss of flood storage during or on completion of the works;

o   how the compensatory storage will be maintained over the lifetime of that Phase of the development.

The development shall be carried out, retained and maintained in accordance with the approved scheme.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the development does not alter existing flood flows and to ensure that flood risk is not increased to others for each phase of the development in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each plot of the development shall be in accordance with the approved Compensatory Flood Storage Scheme for the relevant area and shall include a detailed plan for compensatory flood storage and conveyance (flow paths) for that plot of the development. These details shall include, as relevant to that part of the development:

o   Details of any land-raising, including building footprints, access routes, landscaping or any other proposals that could reduce flood storage and/ or conveyance within that part of the development;

o   A timetable for the delivery of compensatory storage elements for that part of the development, ensuring no loss of flood storage during construction of or on completion of that part of the development;

o   Details of quantity of compensatory volume to be provided for that part of the development, including the appropriate allowance for climate change, based on the ‘Indicative Floodplain Compensation Calculations Statement’ document (AECOM, 2020) or the latest available relevant modelling or evidence base;

o   Details demonstrating how the storage and conveyance specific to that part of the development will fill and empty and form part of / connect to the approved Compensatory Flood Storage Scheme.

o   How the proposed scheme shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development and protected from further development;

Each part of the development shall be carried out and maintained in accordance with the details once approved.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the development does not alter existing flood flows and to ensure that flood risk is not increased to others for each phase of the development in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall be accompanied by a statement to demonstrate how the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive and/or the pipeline operator with regard to major hazard establishments and major hazard pipelines have been incorporated into that part of the development.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the development is carried out in a way which is compatible with the major hazard establishments and major hazard pipelines in the vicinity of the site in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall not include centralised or stand-alone power generation or heating plant.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted air quality assessment and to comply with policy EC6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 shall, where appropriate, include a noise assessment. The noise assessment shall include (but not be limited to) consideration of how particular unit/s will be located, designed and constructed, including the location of plant and equipment to ensure that the operational noise limits at all nearby Noise Sensitive Receptors (NSR’s) in table 8.13 (page 18) of Chapter 8 of the Humber International Enterprise Park Environmental Statement Volume 1 are not exceeded. Considerations would naturally include:

o   Placing of buildings on the site to act as an acoustic buffer/screen between the potentially noisier uses and existing receptors/new noise sensitive aspects;

o   Consideration of route access roads to ensure that wherever possible they are remote from existing receptors and proposed noise sensitive aspects, and potential mitigation;

o   Appropriate placing of service areas such that they are remote from or acoustically screened from noise sensitive receptors;

o   Considerate design and layout of buildings and enclosures / compounds containing noise generative plant and equipment; and

o   Procurement of appropriate plant items and equipment paying due regard to stated noise emissions.

This condition is imposed to protect the residential amenity of the occupiers of nearby noise sensitive properties from the potential adverse impact of noise in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The rating level of noise (LAeq) from all units, including internal and external plant and equipment on the site collectively shall not, at any time, exceed the background noise level (LA90) as shown in Table 8.13 of Chapter 8 (Volume 1) of the Humber International Enterprise Park Environmental Statement at any of the noise sensitive receptors (NSR’s 1 – 17). Measurements and assessment shall be made in full accordance with British Standard BS 4142:2014 + A1:2019 Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound. (Assessments of plant noise emissions shall include corrections for acoustic features (i.e. tonality, impulsivity, intermittency and other sound characteristics), before comparison with the above criteria. Where compliance with BS4142:2014 cannot be demonstrated in full the reasons for this shall be stated in the report.

This condition is imposed to protect the residential amenity of the occupiers of nearby noise sensitive properties from the potential adverse impact of noise in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Following completion of the development, as approved, (or at any appropriate time during partial completion at the request of the Local Planning Authority) a further noise assessment/appraisal shall be carried out to demonstrate compliance with condition 56. Where this is shown not to be complied with a written scheme of mitigation shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval including an agreed time period for the completion of mitigation works. Once the works have been completed a further noise assessment shall be carried out to demonstrate compliance with condition 56.

This condition is imposed to protect the residential amenities of the occupiers of nearby noise sensitive properties from the potential adverse impact of noise in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development which requires the installation of lighting shall include an operational lighting scheme for that part of the development.

The scheme shall include details of the types and heights of lights and / or light columns, their location, technical specification, means of preventing or minimising light spillage, the proposed hours of use and a programme of post-installation maintenance by suitably qualified lighting contractors. The scheme shall have due regard to the amenity of other parts of the development and site neighbours and the protection of ecological habitats and species.

That part of the development shall thereafter be carried out and maintained in accordance with the approved lighting scheme.

This condition is imposed to ensure protected species and priority habitats are protected from the adverse effects of lighting in accordance with policies ENV1, ENV4 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development shall be accompanied by a piling risk assessment. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

This condition is imposed to prevent contamination of groundwater in the principal aquifer in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. The details submitted pursuant to condition 2 for each part of the development where there are buildings for occupation shall include an operational waste scheme for that part of the development.

The scheme shall set out:

o   an estimate of the volume and type of waste arising from that part of the development by waste stream; and

o   the proposed waste storage and collection facilities within that part of the development.


That part of the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved operational waste scheme.

This condition is imposed to ensure that the development makes appropriate arrangements for the management of waste in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan.


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

This condition is imposed in order to comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and in order to ensure that the Local Planning Authority retains the right to review unimplemented permissions.

  1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

18B75-SYS-HGN-SA-DR-CH-01 REV H – Site Access Roundabout received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGN-Z0-DR-CH-01 REV E – General Arrangement – Zone 0 received 02 Mar 2021

18B75-SYS-HGN-Z1-DR-CH-01 REV E – General Arrangement – Zone 1 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGN-Z2-DR-CH-01 REV D – General Arrangement – Zone 2 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGN-Z3-DR-CH-01 REV E – GENERAL ARRANGEMENT – ZONE 3 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGN-Z4-DR-CH-01 REV C – General Arrangement – Zone 4 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGT-Z0-DR-CH-01 REV D – Contour Plan Zone 0 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGT-Z1-DR-CH-01 REV D – Contour Plan Zone 1 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGT-Z2-DR-CH-01 REV C – Contour Plan Zone 2 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGT-Z3-DR-CH-01 REV C – Contour Plan Zone 3 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HGT-Z4-DR-CH-01 REV B – Contour Plan Zone 4 received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HML-Z0-DR-CH-02 REV C – Mainline And Unit Access – Long Sections received 02 Mar 2021

18B75-SYS-HML-Z0-DR-CH-03 REV B – Long Sections – Internal Site Roundabout received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HML-Z0-DR-CH-04 Rev B – Highway – Paull Road Roundabout Long Section received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-HML-Z0-DR-CH-05 REV B – Mainline Cross-Sections received 27 Aug 2020

18B75-SYS-SBR-Z2-DR-CB-01 – Burstwick Drain Bridge General Arrangement received 27 Aug 2020

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan and for the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in accordance with the approved details in the interests of the character and amenity of the area and the provisions of the development plan.

  1. The pedestrian refuge island shown shall be available for use prior to the road being open to vehicular traffic.

This condition is imposed to maintain the connectivity of the public right of way in accordance with policies EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before any part the development commences, details of the layout, drainage, construction, services and lighting of that part of the spine road, including the crossing of Burstwick Drain, any culverting of Reedmere Sewer and the junctions with the existing publicly maintainable highway if applicable, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be brought into use until that part of the development has been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan in order to secure an adequate and safe access to the proposed development area.

  1. Before the development commences, details of a scheme for compensatory flood storage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include:

o   Details of any land-raising, landscaping, SuDS features or any other proposals that could reduce flood storage;

o   demonstrate that it would not reduce existing channel capacity, increase localised scour, or restrict access for maintenance operations by boat;

o   Details of quantity of compensatory volume to be provided, including the appropriate allowance for climate change, based on the ‘Indicative Floodplain Compensation Calculations Statement’ document (AECOM, February 2021) or the latest available relevant modelling or evidence base;

o   A timetable for the delivery of compensatory storage scheme, ensuring no loss of flood storage during construction of or on completion of the road;

o   Details demonstrating how the storage will fill and empty and how it will form part of and be in broad accordance with the approved ‘Outline Flood Compensation Strategy’ ‘Outline Flood Compensation Strategy (AECOM, August 2020)’ and the ‘Indicative Flood Compensation Calculations Statement (February 2021) for the overall development;

o   How the proposed scheme shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development and protected from further development;

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and thereafter retained and maintained.

This condition is imposed to reduce the risk of flooding to the site and surrounding area by ensuring that compensatory storage of flood water is provided in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.


  1. Before the development commences, a written scheme of investigation for archaeological evaluation for that part of the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and:
  1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording.
  2. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording.
  3. The programme for post investigation assessment.
  4. Proposals for the preservation in situ, or for the investigation, recording and recovery of archaeological remains and the publishing of the findings, it being understood that there shall be a presumption in favour of their preservation in situ wherever feasible
  5. Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation.
  6. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation.
  7. Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.

Each part of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation and shall not be occupied until the site investigation, post-investigation assessment and remaining analysis of the geo-archaeological results have been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the approved Written Scheme of Investigation and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed to protect archaeological interests in accordance with Policy ENV3 of the East Riding Local Plan; and guidance within section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

  1. Before the development commences, a landscape masterplan for the site boundaries shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The landscape masterplan should include:

o   the long term design objectives including the use of heavy standard and extra heavy standard tree planting to screen the proposed built form;

o   a detailed planting scheme;

o   the overall management and maintenance strategy; and

o   how the landscaping of that phase will align with the requirements of the ecological mitigation measures, and any subsequent revisions to this document as may be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

The Landscape Masterplan shall be implemented in the first planting season after the development commences and thereafter retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed in accordance with policies ENV1, ENV2 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan and because a well-designed landscaping scheme can reduce the impact of the development on the amenity of existing residents and help to integrate the development into the surrounding area.

  1. For a period of 5 years from the occupation of each part of the development, no retained tree shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained tree be topped or lopped, without the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Any topping or lopping approved shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard (3998 Tree Work).

If any retained tree is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree shall be planted at the same place and that tree shall be of such size, species and maturity, and shall be planted at such time, as should be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed as there are trees within or near the site and these contribute to the character and appearance of the area. If these trees are to be retained it is important that they are protected. It is considered that the above details are required in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Development shall not begin until an investigation and risk assessment of land contamination for each phase of development has been completed by competent persons and a report of the findings submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include an appropriate survey of the nature and extent of any contamination affecting the site, and an assessment of the potential risks to human health, controlled waters, property and ecological systems.  Where unacceptable risks are identified, an appropriate scheme of remediation to make the site suitable for the intended use must also be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other receptors.

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority, none of the buildings shall be brought into use until the approved scheme of remediation has been completed, and a verification report demonstrating the effectiveness of the remediation carried out has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The verification report shall include a description of the works undertaken and a photographic record where appropriate, the results of any additional monitoring or sampling, evidence that any imported soil is from a suitable source, and copies of relevant waste documentation for any contaminated material removed from the site.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other receptors.

  1. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development, that was not previously identified, it must be reported immediately to the local planning authority. An appropriate investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken, and where remediation is necessary, a remediation scheme must be prepared by competent persons and submitted to the local planning authority for approval.  Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other receptors.

  1. Before the development commences, details of any boreholes on the site and measures to decommission them to prevent them acting as a pathway for potential contaminants shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

This condition is imposed to prevent contamination of groundwater in the principal aquifer in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before each part of the development commences, a Construction Logistics Plan specific to that part of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The submitted Construction Logistics Plan shall include details of the following, as far as relevant for that part of the development:

o   a timetable for the works;

o   securement of that part of the development, including timing, method and location;

o   provision of the temporary vehicle parking, loading, off-loading and manoeuvring facilities for the contractors carrying out the construction works and for construction deliveries / collections;

o   wheel washing location(s);

o   location of construction compound(s);

o   construction traffic routing including appropriate routes to travel across the site to reduce disturbance to curlew;

o   Details of any measures necessary to ensure safe, ongoing pedestrian access to the public rights of way network; and

o   access arrangements for construction traffic.

Each part of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan and in order to minimise detrimental effects to neighbouring amenities, the amenities of the area in general, detriment to the natural environment through the risks of pollution and dangers to highway safety, during the construction phase.

  1. Before each part of the development commences, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for that part of the development. The CEMP shall include, but not be limited to, details of the following as relevant to that part of the development:

o   Hours of working

o   anticipated construction plant and equipment and anticipated duration of use;

o   the temporary drainage solution;

o   the protection of existing features for retention;

o   confirmation of features for removal;

o   the utilities maintenance and diversion strategy;

o   the extent of any excavation works;

o   the extent of any temporary / permanent land lowering / land raising works;

o   procedures for dealing with the investigating and reporting of unplanned incidents e.g. pollution;

o   details of the use of screening around construction areas;

o   methods of record keeping and complaint management; and

o   roles and responsibilities within the contractor team.

The CEMP shall also set out a strategy for managing the environmental impacts during construction (including any site preparation, demolition and groundworks) of that part of the development which shall have regard to the measures set out in the Environmental Statement unless otherwise detailed in the CEMP. Steps and procedures to minimise environmental impacts arising from the implementation of that part of the development shall be provided in relation to, the following issues:

o   noise;

o   vibration;

o   lighting;

o   management of soils and protection of soil resources;

o   management of pollution / contamination;

o   management of flood risk; and

o   construction waste.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP for that part of the site.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed in accordance with policies ENV1 and ENV4 of the East Riding Local Plan and in order to minimise detrimental effects to neighbouring amenities, the amenities of the area in general and detriment to the natural environment through the risks of pollution during the construction phase.

  1. Each part of the development shall not be commenced until a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) for that part of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highways Authorities. Construction on that part of the development shall thereafter take place in accordance with the agreed CTMP for that plot which shall be implemented in full.

This condition is imposed to ensure the development has an acceptable impact on the operation of the surrounding highway network in accordance with policies S8, EC4 and HAV-A of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before development commences on each part of the development, details of areas to be used for the temporary parking for staff vehicles, loading, unloading, storage of materials and plant and manoeuvring of delivery vehicles to the development have first been provided in accordance with details to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the temporary parking for staff vehicles, loading, unloading, storage of materials and plant and manoeuvring of delivery vehicles shall be retained for the duration of the construction phase of the development and not used for any other purpose unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

This condition is imposed in order to secure adequate provision to enable vehicles to park, load, unload, manoeuvre and storage of materials and plant to avoid such operations taking place on the highway where they could adversely affect the safety of other highway users.

  1. Before development commences on each part of the development, an appropriate Dust Management Plan to address the environmental impact of dust during the development of that part of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Dust Management Plan shall identify the steps and procedures that will be implemented to minimise the creation and impact of dust resulting from the site preparation, demolition, groundworks and construction phases of that part of the development. Mitigation measures shall have regard to, but not be limited by, those specified in Section 7.7 of the Environmental Statement. Each part of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Dust Management Plan.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed to prevent to prevent the development hereby approved from contributing to, or being put at risk from, poor air quality in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan.

  1. Before the development commences on each part of the development, a Construction Emissions Management Plan: Air Quality (CEMP:AQ) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for that part of the development. The CEMP:AQ shall identify the steps and procedures to minimise the creation and impact of air pollution and dust resulting from the site preparation, demolition, groundworks and construction phases of that part of the development. That part of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP:AQ.

This pre-commencement condition is imposed in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan and to prevent both new and existing development from contributing to or being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by poor air quality.

  1. Prior to the commencement of each part of the development, a Materials Management Plan (MMP) specific to that part of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The plan shall include:

o   details of the volumes and types of material proposed to be imported or re-used on that part of the development

o   details of the proposed source(s) of the imported or re-used material;

o   details of the chemical testing for all re-used and imported materials to be undertaken prior to placement onto that part of the site;

o   the results of the chemical testing which must show that the material is suitable for use on that part of the development; and

o   confirmation that the location of the material storage will not affect the flood routes / storage capacity of that part of the development.

That part of the development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved MMP.

This condition is imposed in accordance with policy ENV6 of the East Riding Local Plan and to ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and users of neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property, environmental features and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other receptors.

  1. Before each part of the development commences a construction environmental management plan for biodiversity (CEMP: Biodiversity) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP: Biodiversity shall be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist and include a timetable for implementation. The scheme shall provide full details of all ecological mitigation measures along with a programme for implementation. The scheme shall include:

o   A risk assessment of potentially damaging construction-type activities;

o   Full details of practical measures (both physical measures and sensitive working practices) to avoid or reduce impacts during construction, including action to be taken if any protected species are found during construction works;

o   The location and timing of sensitive works to avoid harm to biodiversity features;

o   Use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs;

o   Full details and plans of measures to protect water courses from run-off, pollution, adverse changes in water quality and flow;

o   Details of site induction information and tool box talks for all relevant on site working practices. Protocols to demonstrate that the site work force will be briefed about potential ecological issues on the site prior to commencement of construction shall be provided;

o   Details of personnel responsible for over-seeing the implementation of measures detailed in the CEMP.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

This condition is imposed to ensure that protected species and priority habitats would not be harmed by the development of this site having regard to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017(as amended).

  1. Within three months of the date of this planning permission, details of a scheme for the establishment and operation of a Liaison Group shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall provide details of:

a contact on behalf of the operating company who shall be responsible for the organisation and minutes of meetings of the group;

a list of members of the group. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, this should include ward councillors, Parish Councils, the local planning authority and neighbouring residents and should not exceed 12 members;

the place, date and time of the first meeting of the group which should be within four months of the date of this permission.

The Liaison Group shall be in operation in accordance with the agreed scheme until the final reserved matters application submitted pursuant to this application has been determined.

This condition is imposed to allow effective public engagement and involvement in the development of this key employment site in accordance with policy ENV1 of the East Riding Local Plan